Human interaction with intelligent automation is an intricate process, requiring skilled operators and delicate system designs in order to effectively enhance overall performance (Chien et all., 2016). Both new skills and better performance are required from employees in order to increase employers' competitiveness on the market (Taipale et all., 2011). This trend is also evident among manufacturing companies where there is a growing assumption that shop floor employees with a strategic orientation will enhance manufacturing productivity and competitiveness (Welbourne,2012).
Whether it is a question of upskilling, deskilling or reskilling, the transformation of knowledge has effects on workplace culture and work related identities. The topic of emotion in general is understudied if not also undervalued(Law, 2009) and investigations into how IT artefacts play a role in professional identity construction - for both leaders and employees - remain rare (M.K. Stein et all., 2013). This understanding is key for better tailoring change management projects (de Veer et all.,2011; Kim&Lee, 2006) and related communication strategies (Meyer et all., 2007; Probst et all., 2006).