This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other China-Italy Chamber of Commerce events.

Dear members ,

The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is delighted to inform you that the conference "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries" is going to be held on Tuesday 13 July 2021 at the Garden Hotel, 14:30-19:30, in Shanghai.

International cooperation and investments are the building blocks of economic development and social progress. In this context, Nanjing Lishui District stands at the front door of China's rising business opportunities.


Hosted by the Nanjing Investment Promotion Bureau; the Nanjing Lishui District Committee of the CPC; the Nanjing People's Government of Lishui District; and the Nanjing Bureau of Commerce, the "Nanjing Exclusive Dialogue with European Industries", is a platform to enrich dialogue and deepen bilateral cooperation with around 200 senior representatives from European and Chinese institutions, Chambers of Commerce, companies, and organizations, through:

  • three interactive sectorial "Industries Roundtable Discussions" with local government representatives reserved to selected EU and Chinese companies (subject to approval)
  • direct exchanges with local government on supporting policies for business development
  • evaluation of emerging investment opportunities
  • establishment of new partnerships and networking


14:30 - 15:00 Registration Thematic Sessions

15:00 - 16:20 Thematic Sessions: Industries Roundtable Discussions (in parallel)

  • Introduction of the representatives of government units and enterprises
  • Introduction of the local characteristics and investment policies
  • Roundtable discussions - three dedicated panels:

1.       Carbon Neutrality and New Energy Industry (Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection - New Materials - Sustainable Urban Planning)

2.       Advanced Manufacturing Industry (High-end Smart Equipment - Intelligent Manufacturing - Automotive and Aerospace - Smart Healthcare Industry)

3.       Modern Service Industry and Airport Industry (Airport Modern Logistics, business, and trade - Culture, Tourism, and Entertainment - Financial services - Science and Technology services)

16:20 - 16:50 Networking Coffee Break - Registration Plenary Session

16:50 - 17:45 Plenary Session: Global Investment Promotion Conference of Nanjing China-EU Enterprises Innovation Area

18:00 - 19:30 Dinner

For more information please contact us at


 Kind Regards,


