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Wednesday, December 9, 2020 (5:00 PM - 6:00 PM) GMT+8

Event Details

The Innovation and Technology Working Group (I&TWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to inform you to that the Webinar: "AR and VR for remote assistance and training, trends and case studies" is going to be held via Zoom on the 9th of December, 5 to 6 PM China Time (CST) โ€“ 10 to 11 am Italy Time (CET).

It's almost a decade that we hear speaking about the impact of new technologies in our way of working and in what is called "human-augmentation"; about how our physical and mental abilities can be further enhanced through technological devices, as we have learned to do since the stone age. Though, resistance to change and other dilemmas in the organization didn't made that revolution happen since the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. As one element of remote working, many companies have accelerated to adapt the use of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to ensure business continuity and in order to supplement the impossibility or extreme complication for technical teams to travel in different global sites for installation of new production lines, upgrade of existing lines, or carrying out maintenance and assistance during the pandemic. Forced by the pandemic, many companies already realized that this is not just contingent but it will last as a new way of working that improves speed and efficiency while contribute to reduce companies' carbon's foot print.

CCIC Innovation and Technology Working Group is glad to propose this seminar dedicated to this technological application into the daily business sharing the experience of different speakers. Rosanna Terminio, Managing Partner of AsecorpChina Business Consulting and PhD Candidate at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) on Automation and Work, will give a brief introduction of this new trend and explain the difference between AR and VR. Maria Santonastaso, China General Manager Dedalus S.p.A., will than moderate a session with Ivan D'Onghia, CTO Digital/Robotics, Danieli Tongchuang Information Technology and Cristian Sala, Cama Group Executive Sales Manager. The two speakers will share practical application of this technology explaining why their company chose to adopt it, how it benefited them and their customer by sharing success stories. The case studies cover several companies size so as to be beneficial to different CCIC members and will end with a Q&A session where the audience can interact with the companies through the guide of Maria Santonastaso.

The webinar will be held on Zoom and it is tailored for a diverse audience of Multinational, Big and SMEs Corporate C-levels (e.g., CEOs, CTOs, COO etc.) and Senior Managers in different functional areas, including Production, Business Development, Human Resources, ICT, Product/Service Developments, Sales and After-Sales.

This webinar is part of a webinar journey promoted by the CCIC and I&T WG with the purpose of:

  • Giving the chance to expose all members of CCIC to new technologies through theoretical contents and practical demonstration on how they can improve companies' performance
  • Generate cross-innovation and collaboration between the members