Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) in collaboration with the Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG) is organizing "Festa dei Sapori Italiani", an Italian's food market fair that will be held on May 2nd and 3rd at Columbia Circle, in Shanghai (上海长宁区延安西路1262号 - Shanghai Yananxi Road 1262 ) from 11:00 am to 19:00 pm.
Join us for a weekend of food trucks and live music!
"Festa dei Sapori Italiani" is an outdoor market fair where Italian enterprises operating in China will showcase and sell Italian Food & Beverages products to the public, to promote and celebrate the Italian agri-food culture in a very lively environment with live music.
Call for Vendors:
CICC is recruiting interested participants belonging to the F&B sector and willing to showcase their product during the market fair. Please be aware you will be able to sell your pre-made or made-on-spot food within the 3x3 sqm booth, equipped with electricity and two tables (no fire allowed).
The participation is free of charge, the only cost for the participants is related to the creation of a sign with the company logo to be placed on the booth (150 rmb fee).
Evaluation Criteria:
According to the available space, this event welcomes the participation of all the Italian enterprises operating in China. The participants will be selected on a "first come, first served" basis.
Participation shall be confirmed by Monday, 27th April 2020, 10:00 am filling in the online registration form.
Fore more information please contact
Kind regards,