Dear Members and Friends of the CICC,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) would like to invite you to the event " the 1st Week of Italian Mechanical Engineering (WIMEC) Roadshow in Chongqing " on November 9th, 2020.
In order to promote the knowledge and the awareness of the importance of Italian mechanical engineering to different cities in China, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) align with CICC Manufacturing Engineering Working Group (MEWG), and with the support from the Embassy of Italy in China, the Consulate General of Italy in Chongqing, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Administrative Committee, Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Invitation Investment Group and Bank of China (Chongqing Branch), the event of " the 1st Week of Italian Mechanical Engineering (WIMEC) Roadshow in Chongqing " will be organized.
Why organize a Week of Italian Mechanical Engineering in China?
· Italy is the second largest manufacturing country in Europe, 100 billion euro's Worth and ranking seventh in the world. The production system of Italy consists of 4.6 million companies/意大利是欧洲第二大制造业国家,价值一千亿欧元,在世界上排名第七。意大利的生产系统由460万家公司组成。
· The export of the entire sector is in fact equal to over 49% of the Italian export, both worldwide and to China, (11.8% of the fashion industry and 9% of the food industry), which are the sectors usually identified as the excellence of Made in Italy/整个行业的出口大约占意大利出口的49%以上,占到全球和中国的一半以上,而相比较下时尚行业占11.8%,食品行业占9%,而这两个行业通常被认为是意大利制造的卓越产品。
· China ranks eighth among the target markets for Italian exports in this sector, but in some categories such as machine tools, China is the third largest export market after the United States and Germany/在这个行业里中国对意大利出口产品的市场排名第八,但在某些类别例如机床行业,中国是仅次于美国和德国的第三大出口市场。
· Italy therefore stands as the supplier of technologies and machinery of the main industrial powers in the world/因此,意大利是世界上工业大国的技术和机器的主要供应者。
· Italy's mechanical industry is closely linked to China. 50% of Italy's total exports to China is made of mechanical and engineering technology, compared to 3.7% of the agri-food industry and 18% of the fashion industry. In the mechanical engineering sector, the main category is machinery, which represents 56% of total Italian exports of around 4 billion euros/意大利机械行业与中国的联系非常紧密。意大利出口中国的50%都是机械类工程技术类,相较于农产业的3.7%和时尚产业的18%。在机械工程领域,主要类别是机械,占意大利出口总额的56%,约40亿欧元。
Event Agenda/活动议程:
10:30 - 11:30 Factory Tour in SOFIMA AUTOMOTIVE FILTER (CHONGQING) Co., LTD / 索菲玛汽车滤清器(重庆)有限公司参观访问(Reservation required 需要预订)
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch Break, Italian Buffet / 意式简餐(Reservation required需要预订)
13:30 - 14:00 Registration / 签到
14:00 - 14:30 Opening Remarks / 开场致词
14:30 - 14:45 CICC Manufacturing Engineering Working Group Introduction Working Group Introduction / 中国意大利商会机械工程工作组简介
14:45 - 15:00 Chongqing Liangjiang New Area Investment Promotion / 重庆两江新区招商引资推介
15:00 – 15:20 Coffee Break / 茶歇
15:20 - 15:30 Quarterly Business Sentiment Survey of CICC Members Analysis, Q3 2020 / 2020年第三季度中国意大利商会会员企业季度商情调查分析
15:30 – 17:00 Sino-Italian Sustainable Industry and Innovation Round Table / 中意可持续产业与创新圆桌会议
We will provide coach pick-up for factory tour, limitation 30 guests /我们将为工厂参观提供大巴接送,限定30人
Pick-up time: 10:00 AM / 上车时间:10: 00
Pick-up address: Chongqing Liangjiang International Cooperation Center,No 6 Huang Shan Avenue Liangjiang New Zone, Yubei, Chongqing / 地址: 重庆市两江新区黄山大道中段6号两江国际合作中心
Date: 9th November 2020
Time: 10:30AM-17:00PM
CICC Members:For Free
NON Members: 200 RMB
CICC会员: 免费
Factory Tour Venue: SOFIMA AUTOMOTIVE FILTER (CHONGQING) Co., LTD ( 2nd Branch of Kangtai Road, Yuzui Town, Jiangbei Direct, Chongqing),
工厂参观地址:索菲玛汽车滤清器(重庆)有限公司 (重庆市江北去鱼嘴镇康泰二支路)
Round Table Venue: Floor 24th, Chongqing Liangjiang International Cooperation Center,No 6 Huang Shan Avenue Liangjiang New Zone, Yubei, Chongqing
More information will follow soon! For any inquiries please contact
Kind Regards,