CICC Logistics Working Group Opne Meeting Webinar - 28th February, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of CICC,

Following February 20th's webinar about general updates on health emergency, CICC is going to start a series of Webinar about specific topics, in order to support Italian business community in China in the efforts to fight against the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

The first session of webinar will be treating Logistics and Transportation Industry, Members of the CICC Logistics Working Group will talk about all the aspects related on how to deal with transports, logistics, customs operations, import&export difficulties, policies and case studies.

The webinar will be online on Friday, February 28th from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm Beijing time.



3:00 PM - 3:05 PM
Opening and Welcome
Opening and Welcome by LWG Coordinator Mario Tasso
3:05 PM - 3:20 PM
Mario Tasso Speech "COVID-19: Air Cargo Capacity"
3:20 PM - 3:35 PM
Marco Leporati Speech "Domestic transportation recovery: updated situation"
3:35 PM - 3:50 PM
Jonathan Ortelli Speech "Seafreight updates"
3:50 PM - 4:30 PM


  • Mario Tasso (Head of Contract Logistics at JAS Forwarding (China) Co., Ltd.)

    Mario Tasso

    Head of Contract Logistics at JAS Forwarding (China) Co., Ltd.

  • ML

    Marco Leporati

    Managing Director of SAVINO DEL BENE SHANGHAI CO., LTD

  • JO

    Jonathan Ortelli

    China Deputy General Manager at Senator International Freight Forwarding (Shanghai) CO., Ltd


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