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Welcome Remarks

-Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC)
-Matteo Tanteri, Vice-President Beijing, China-Italy Chamber of Commerce
-Alessandra Guidi, Scientific Attaché, Embassy of Italy to the P.R.C.


Simone Padoan, Vice Coordinator, CICC EEPWG and Secretary General, EE-GEX

Session 1: Case studies of environmental restoration of Industrial parks and matching points for technical and business cooperation

-Francesco Misuraca, Head of Environmental Technical & Site Activities, ENI Rewind
-Representative of Shanghai Chengtou Environment Ecological Remediation Technology Co., Ltd. (EERT)

Session 2: Case studies of environmental restoration of Industrial parks and matching points for technical and scientific cooperation

-Hou Deyi, Professor, Head of Division of Groundwater and Soil Environment, School of Environment, Tsinghua University
-Marco Falconi, Scientific Coordinator, Remtech Europe and Re-searcher Technologist, ISPRA (Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research)

Session 3 Panel Discussion: how to find a common ground of technical, business and scientific cooperation between China and Italy

Hou Deyi, Marco Falconi, Francesco Misuraca, EERT Representative