Greetings from CICC
Davide Cucino
Greetings from AAIIC
Ivan Cardillo
IoT: Italy of Things, recent developments of the Italian IoT
Alessandro Antonicelli
Industrial IOT technology (IIOT) and application in MM industrial 4.0
Charles Fang
Greetings by Michele Cecchi, Consul General of Italy in Shanghai
Human and Machine Learning: What machines can learn from the human mind and what humans can learn from machines
Filippo Fabrocini
HUMANufcturing: Comau approach to Industry 4.0
Wallace Bie Chao
Astronomically Big Data
Lucio Angelo Antonelli
Marketing application of big data
Luca Carpinelli
AI & Technological Convergence
Giovanni Moroni
AI & Impact on Labor Market
Rosanna Terminio
Final Q&A session with panel
Moderators: Denis Bastieri & Valtero Canepa
Informal social and networking