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The Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is working on a webinar series on different topics called "Sharing is caring: Issues for the MEWG in China", aimed at overcoming the current market difficulties due to the recent COVID restrictions.

The main objective of the webinar series is to share the experiences of companies belonging to the Mechanical Engineering Working Group operating in China, which we have divided into 7 major macro sectors:

• Components

• Machinery

• Industrial Services

• Automotive

• Manufacturing

• Electronics

• Home Applications

Sharing one's difficulties, experiences and business sentiment can also inspire other companies or be a good opportunity to receive support. The main issues and common discussion topics that we have identified are:

• Reopening of activities

• Supply Chain

• Incentives

• Block of production

• Logistic

• HR

The sixth webtalk will take place on June 23rd, 2022 at 11:00 (Beijing time). The Mechanical Engineering Working Group will invite company executives operating in the Electronics/Home Applications sector to discuss the current situation and its effects on current business affairs, focusing on the issues related to the HR.

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