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Welcome greetings: Yingting Cheng, China & APAC Chief Operating Officer C.O.O. Istituto Marangoni
Welcome speeches: Paolo Bazzoni, Chairman at China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) Tiziana D’Angelo, Consul General at the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai
Main past and future activities organized by CICC to support the business of Italian Enterprises in China

- Emilio Cassanelli, CICC Board Member & VP China Operations RGS China

- Lorenzo Riccardi, CICC Treasurer & Managing Partner RsA Asia

Presentation of the highlights of the 5th CICC survey Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman
Business sentiment of Italian Companies in China: Roundtable with industry experts

Moderator: Claudio Grillenzoni, CICC Board Member & Group Retail Director at Florentia Village

- Roberto Sergi, Global Managing Director – Business & Markets at Pinko

- Giuseppe Lo Presti, CEO of Inalca

- Ke Da, General Manager Thermowatt China (Ariston Group)

- Teti Licursi, ENI Representative Office Beijing

- Luigi Fiato, Industry APAC Director, RINA (Shanghai) INDUSTRY INNOVATION &TECHNOLOGY Co., LTD

- Fabio Giacopello, Senior Partner, HFG LAW & IP

- Yu Huang, General Manager at Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A. Shanghai
