The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC)is glad to invite you to discover the refined Italian wines of the company Seiterre. The masterclass dedicated to Seiterre wines will be held online on Thursday, November 3rd2022, 4:00-5:30 pm (Beijing time). During the masterclass, a representative from the founding family of Seiterre will guide you into their 150 years of history in vineyard cultivation. Together with a professional sommelier, you will then explore four unique wines selected by Seiterre for the occasion, deepening your knowledge of their properties and productions, and proper wine pairing. It will be a journey into the Rizzi's family and the unique flavors of Seiterre wines. We will taste Vasco de Gama Barbera with its fruity and full flavor, the freshness of Perla Rossa Sangiovese, we will also dive into the full-bodied and spiced Plato' Amarone and the fresh and pleasant taste of Perla Rossa Chardonnay. The wine tasting of Seiterre wines will be reserved for qualified operators, such as importers or distributors.
在大师班上,Seiterre创始人Rizzi家族代表将带您追溯150年的葡萄园种植历史,并会有特邀专业品酒师与大家一起品鉴Seiterre为本次活动精选的四款独特葡萄酒,深入介绍葡萄酒的特点和生产知识,以及分享葡萄酒搭配技巧。届时您将有幸品尝果味浓郁的Vasco de Gama Barbera和清新宜人的Perla Rossa Sangiovese后,来一杯酒体饱满、浓香馥郁的Plato' Amarone,最后用一杯清冽爽口的Perla Rossa Chardonnay收尾。本次大师班受众主要针对专业葡萄酒经营者,如进口商或分销商。