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Opening remarks by President of CICC, Mr. Paolo Bazzoni
Welcome speech by Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, Mr. Guido Bilancini
Welcome speech by Leader of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People’s Government of Yunnan Province
Speech by Mr. Gianluca Luisi and Lorenzo Riccardi, “Overview of the CICC in Southwest China and of the Mapping Project”
Speech by Representative of CCPIT Yunnan Sub-Council, “Doing Business in/with Yunnan”
Successful Case Studies

1. Mrs. Sara Zago, (CEO Kunming Bilian Yiju Trade, trading company, and CCIC promoter in Yunnan)
2. Mr. Diego Triboli (CEO of “La Cantina” Italian restaurant in Kunming)
3. Mr. Lorenzo Barbieri (CEO of “Eastern Leaves”, company producing tee for the overseas market.

Closing remarks by President of CICC Mr. Paolo Bazzoni